Serving the Church in a Digital Age
The Barnabas Company exists to serve the Church by providing affordable, efficient digital platforms designed specifically for small congregations. Our mission is simple: to help local bodies of believers proclaim the ancient message of the Gospel in today’s digital age. We call it “ancient truth, modern media.”
Our Theology
Our work is driven by our faith, rooted in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds, as well as the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Every website we build reflects our commitment to theological integrity and the proclamation of biblical truth. We uphold the belief that the local church is the body of Christ, called to reach the world with the Gospel.
As part of our commitment to serving the Church, we require prospective clients to sign a Statement of Belief affirming their adherence to orthodox, Protestant Christianity. This helps ensure that we partner with churches and organizations that share our values and commitment to spreading the Gospel.
We are also committed to providing free resources that guide churches through both the theological and practical decisions of building a digital presence.